Best Dentist in Barrington
Of course there is no objective way to measure who is the best dentist in Barrington, but we can offer some indications that will help you choose the best dentist for you. We’ll get into post-graduate training, credentials, accreditations, and awards in the following sections, but the most important indication that you have found a superior dentist should come first. The fact is that many area dentists, doctors, and other medical professionals trust Dr. Gavrilos to care for their own teeth and those of their families.
Cosmetic Dentistry Defined
The American dental profession does not recognize or regulate the use of the phrase “cosmetic dentistry.” Any dentist who has graduated from any school of dentistry can claim to be a cosmetic dentist. But it takes a different mindset and years of post-graduate training in appearance-related dentistry to create a beautiful smile.
Most dentists are drawn to dentistry because they enjoy fixing things. Much like an engineer, a general dentist repairs broken teeth, fills cavities, and performs other actions taught in dental school. No input is asked for or needed from the patient, and the approach is somewhat authoritarian.
But aesthetic dentistry requires a different kind of personality to begin with. The post-graduate training needed to become a successful aesthetic dentist requires a great deal of time and money. Dentists with an engineering personality are therefore unlikely to pursue it. But dentists who come to the discipline with an artistic personality have the passion to pursue the required training.
The Purpose of AACD Accreditation
In 1986, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) created its accreditation program to help people find dentists who have the qualifications to create beautiful smiles. In the beginning, the accreditation process required a training program followed by both oral and clinical exams. The AACD later added a written exam. AACD Accreditation is the only accreditation credential in cosmetic dentistry.
Among those dentists who are passionate about appearance-related dentistry, only a small handful actually go on to receive accreditation from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Gavrilos is the only area dentist who has earned this accreditation.