I am on the hunt for a cosmetic dentist to do composite veneers on two of my teeth. In the research I’ve done online it sounds like composite veneers are much more affordable than traditional porcelain veneers. However, I’m having problems finding a cosmetic dentist that offers them.
Do you know how I can find a cosmetic dentist that will do them for me?
-Jess in New Jersey
The most important takeaway from your question is that it’s best to find the right cosmetic dentist versus picking the product you want. It’s always good to do your research and understand your options. Although, with cosmetic dentistry, you don’t ever want to price shop. Cosmetic dentists are like artists. Not just any artist can do beautiful work. So, if you limit your search on those cosmetic dentists that only offer composite veneers, you are doing yourself a disservice.
An excellent cosmetic dentist will recommend traditional porcelain veneers for many reasons.
Differences between cosmetic and porcelain veneers
- Porcelain veneers will last much longer than composite when done by an excellent cosmetic dentist.
- Composite is simply engineered resin (plastic).
- Porcelain is more stain resistant.
- Veneers made of porcelain will not chip as easily.
- Cosmetic dentists prefer porcelain because they look much more lifelike.
The best thing you can do is find a trusted cosmetic dentist in your area and listen to their recommendations. Traditional porcelain veneers are made of very thin shells of porcelain that are bonded in place to your natural teeth for a seamless look. If you end up choosing a lesser material and end up needing them redone multiple times, you are not saving money in the long run.
Lastly, porcelain will not only last longer, but they will give you more beautiful results. If you take anything away from this post, please don’t let price be your top factor when choosing the right veneers.
This post is sponsored by Barrington cosmetic dentist James T. Gavrilos, DDS.