My dentist placed crowns on my top left second bicuspid, first molar, and second molar in late October. I do not have any wisdom teeth left. I had deep decay and old fillings in all three teeth. I feel radiating pain when I chew on the left side of my mouth, but I cannot tell […]
Why Is My Bite Is Off After a New Implant Bridge?
My dentist placed a new implant bridge. He tested my bite, but now that I’m back to eating normally, my upper and lower teeth don’t line up when I bite or chew on the right side. My jaws are sore in the morning. I’m sure that this isn’t normal. Should I ask my dentist for […]
I just finished braces and my dentist wants to crown all my teeth
After I finished with braces, I saw my dentist three months later for a cleaning and exam. My dentist said that the x-rays show my bite is still off, and I need complete mouth restoration. He recommends crowns on all my teeth since the braces did not correct my bite. Although I have many composite […]