I made a big investment in myself a little over six months ago. I actually had 20 porcelain veneers done. I have been noticing lately that my veneers are looking gray. Do you know what could be causing this to happen? I am wondering if it’s my daily oral hygiene routine? I use Listerine, and […]
Is it OK to get a digital smile makeover?
Have you heard of a digital smile makeover? I saw something about it on television. It looks convenient and really easy. From what I understand, I just need to upload a photograph of myself and it will generate different looks to improve my smile. I can try different shapes and colors and actually see what […]
My cosmetic dentist messed up!
I have had crooked teeth and some crowding most of my life. I finally caved and decided to see a cosmetic dentist who said a smile makeover would help me. I figured I would need braces but I was convinced when he said he could correct my issues with other cosmetic dentistry treatments. Who wants […]
How common is it for porcelain veneers to fall off?
I finally was able to save up enough money to get eight porcelain veneers done on my front teeth. Then, as I was packing up to leave the dentist office after they were done, the dental assistant mentioned that the veneers may come off every couple of months and to be prepared for that. This […]
Why am I talking funny after getting porcelain veneers?
I was so excited to get my porcelain veneers to make my smile look better. I ended up with 10 porcelain veneers and a crown on each side. I was really happy with the way the temporary veneers looked and felt. But, when the permanent teeth were cemented in place, I noticed that I am […]
My porcelain veneers are too white!
I had nine ceramic veneers done on my bottom teeth. It has probably been about a month or so ago now. The first time I got to look at the porcelain veneers in person, I wasn’t happy. I told the dentist that they were too white and he decided to send them back to the […]
My porcelain veneers are too shiny!
I recently got porcelain veneers and was so excited to show off my new smile. The problem is, I hate the way they shine. I think it looks fake and unnatural. Is there anything that can be done to dull the shine? Natural teeth just don’t shine like this and although I wanted to transform […]
Avoid these common porcelain veneers mistakes!
I am trying to figure out if porcelain veneers will work for me. My teeth aren’t too bad overall. They always get discolored and they aren’t perfectly straight. I read an article about how porcelain veneers can make your teeth look perfectly straight and white. How do I find out if they are an option […]
My dental bonding keeps coming off, can I get porcelain veneers?
I have had a gap in my front teeth ever since I was a kid. As an adult now, I was talking over options with my dentist. I wanted porcelain veneers. But, he recommended dental bonding. He said it wouldn’t be as invasive and the results would be just as nice. So, I trusted him […]
Will dental implants be an option after 30 years with a denture?
I have had a denture for over 20 years now for top teeth. Is there any way I can switch to dental implants? I want to have a smile I can be proud to show off. -Paul in Connecticut Paul, Thank you for your question. The good news is that you should be able to […]