I am prone to getting severe sinus infections, so when my face started swelling and I had some pain, I assumed that was what was happening. But, the pain didn’t subside after a couple weeks. So, I went into the dentist and unfortunately I have an abscess that has developed, which is a bummer because […]
Is a dental implant the only option to replace a front tooth?
I am in trouble because I don’t think I can afford a dental implant on top of all the other work the dentist said I needed. Here’s the problem. When I was little, I had two accidents where I was hit in the mouth. Once I fell off a swing and the other time a […]
If my loose teeth fall out, will I need dental implants?
I’m freaking out because I fell down last week and now my front teeth are loose. I slipped on the ice and landed on my face. At first, things seemed fine. Now, my front teeth hurt to chew with and they are loose. Do I need to go to the dentist? Will I need to […]