It was nearly six months ago when I had my porcelain veneers placed on my teeth. I have five total veneers. The one that was on my canine fell off only a week after I got it on. This happened while I was eating some bread. It hurt a lot and was super sensitive to […]
Learn from my porcelain veneers disaster!
My front tooth has had a small chip on it for years. I had tooth bonding before and it worked well for awhile. But, over time the bonding came off. So, I fully expected my new dentist do redo it. He recommended I get a porcelain crown instead because he said the chip was too […]
Is a dental implant the only option to replace a front tooth?
I am in trouble because I don’t think I can afford a dental implant on top of all the other work the dentist said I needed. Here’s the problem. When I was little, I had two accidents where I was hit in the mouth. Once I fell off a swing and the other time a […]
Did my cosmetic dentist mess up on my crown?
I went to see a cosmetic dentist because my regular dentist told me that he doesn’t do CEREC crowns. When I had heard that the cavity I had was too big to for a regular filling, I started researching them. It sounded like CEREC crowns would be done in one appointment. And I found all […]
Help, my porcelain veneer is turning dark near the gum.
A couple years ago, I had a small chip on one of my front teeth, which was repaired with a porcelain veneer. I loved the way it looked at first. It blended in perfect and no one could tell I had any work done. However, a dark line is starting to visible right at the […]
What is the best cosmetic dentist treatment for tetracycline stains?
How do I go about finding the best cosmetic dentist in Barrington, IL for tetracycline stains? My tetracycline stains are really dark. I’ve been to a general dentist and they are recommending I see a cosmetic dentist. I don’t know how to go about finding the best cosmetic dentist in my area. My job keeps […]
Would a new crown make my TMJ worse?
I have been plagued by TMJ pain for a few years now. It was manageable and seemed like it was improving. Occasionally, the symptoms are a bit of a headache and sore jaw first thing in the morning. Then, as the day goes on, I don’t notice it anymore. I am supposed to be getting […]
Does it sound right that I’m being told that I need all my crowns redone?
I have had crowns on all my front teeth for over a decade. When I stop and think about it, the cosmetic dentist that placed them probably did it closer to 15 years ago now. I think they’ve managed to hold up well over the years. But I noticed that one of them feels like […]
Are dental implants my only option for broken teeth?
I am embarrassed to say that my bottom two front teeth broke off during a hockey game. I took a stick to the face and the teeth broke off clean at the gums. I’m hoping you’ll tell me that I have other options besides dental implants, because from what I can see – I cannot […]
Will porcelain veneers and crowns match up and look natural?
I just left my cosmetic dentistry appointment with several porcelain veneers and one porcelain crown. I’m willing to give it a little time, but my first impression is that they don’t look like they match or blend in together. I think the crown looks whiter than the veneers. Shouldn’t the dentist have been able to […]