I was so excited to get Lumineers to fix my somewhat crooked and discolored teeth. I ended up getting five done on my front teeth. It has only been six months since I’ve got them done and they keep falling off. I had no idea this was a possibility and could keep happening.
To make matters worse, I ended up swallowing one last week. Now, my dentist wants me to get porcelain veneers done. That will end up being over $6,000! What am I supposed to do? I don’t want to have to keep returning to the dentist each time my Lumineers fall off. But, that is a lot of money for new porcelain veneers and who knows if they will stay on?
Does my dentist know what he’s talking about?
-Heather in North Carolina
Unfortunately, you are not alone to be unhappy with Lumineers. Den-Mat is the company that manufactures them and does a lot of marketing about how the “no-prep” technique is great. But, as you’ve experienced, it has many drawbacks.
Many patients complain about them looking and feeling long and bulky. Others complain that they do not look natural. But, they should not be coming off like you have explained. This is not normal for Lumineers or porcelain veneers.
It is possible that your dentist may not be a true cosmetic dentist. And when it comes to creating beautiful smiles, you really need to find the right dentist. The problem many patients encounter is that any dentist can claim to be a cosmetic dentist. It is not a regulated field within dentistry. So any dentist can claim to be one. But, in order to to beautiful porcelain veneers requires extensive training, skill and experience.
Not everyone is a Lumineers candidate. And most excellent cosmetic dentists will not do Lumineers because they deliver mediocre results and they come with trademark restrictions. They also must be fabricated in the Den-Mat laboratory. Anyway, it sounds like it’s time for you to get a second opinion from a different cosmetic dentist in your area.
When you find the right dentist, you will love porcelain veneers. Traditional porcelain veneers create a seamless transition between your natural tooth and the veneer begins. When they are done by an experienced cosmetic dentist with an artistic eye, the result is flawless. Also, once they are properly bonded in place, you should not have to worry about them popping off.
The only reason worth staying with your current dentist would be if he was going to credit you the Lumineers cost and put it toward your new porcelain veneers. Even if that happens, you should ask to see examples of his work and look into his credentials. You don’t want to move forward with him, if you aren’t going to love the end result.
Thank you for your question. I am a cosmetic dentist in Barrrington, IL and love helping patients achieve beautiful smiles.