It’s been well over a year now that I had a smile makeover done. The original problem seemed that I had a small mouth and that my front teeth were tilted in. It wasn’t terrible, but it really bothered me over the years. Also, I had an overbite and I was missing several teeth in back. So, the dentist had his work cut out for him but he was confident that a new smile makeover would give me a beautiful new look.
I had my front teeth capped off in front and the dentist recommended mini implants for my back teeth.
The end result is pretty much a nightmare. My front teeth look hideous. They are too big and my overbite is worse than it used to be. Since my mouth is so small already, it looks strange when I smile. I look like goofy the dog. It’s embarrassing and I think it’s worse than before I had anything done. Is there anything that can be done at this point? I am losing my confidence and I am getting questions about when I got dentures? They think I have dentures! That should tell you how awful it is.
I spent close to $30K to look ridiculous. Do I have any recourse at this point?
-Danielle in Florida
Goodness this sounds like a cosmetic dentistry horror story. I wish there was a magic wand that could make this all better for you. Unfortunately, there isn’t much that can be done, other than getting the work redone. The issue here is the dentist. You’ve learned the hard way that not just any regular, general dentist can provide a beautiful smile makeover. It takes extensive training beyond dental school, a passion for creating beauty and a true understanding of how to match a beautiful smile with not only physical characteristics, but with your personality.
When you select your new cosmetic dentist, be sure to do your homework. Ask to see their credentials, ask to see previous work that they have done and meet with them for a personal consultation. You need to find someone who understands the complex bonding technologies and techniques, as well as someone who has the right experience.
The big question at this point is, can you get your money back? From what you have described about what the end result, it is possible. The best way to go about achieving this is to work with an excellent cosmetic dentist first. He or she may be able to put some pressure on the previous dentist. If there are some technical issues with the work, that is your best bet. If the work is functional, but not aesthetically-pleasing, then your chance may not be as good. All that to be said, if it is indeed as terrible as you have described then the new dentist may be able to help with putting some leverage on the other dentist. Dentists care about what their peers think and don’t want a bad reputation.
Here is your best plan for success. First, you can always sue. If there is malpractice, then you definitely have a case for going this route. Next, you could tell the dentist that you plan to complain to the dental board. No dentist wants to deal with that. So, that may be a motivator. Or you could write a negative online review.
The key here is the functionality of the smile makeover. If there are issues in how it’s functioning, you have the best chance for a refund.
However things shake out, it doesn’t change the fact that you will need to have the work redone. I wish there was better news. But, finding an expert cosmetic dentist in your area is most important next step.
Good luck to you.
This post is sponsored by Barrington dentist James T. Gavrilos, DDS.