I am really happy with the way my porcelain veneers turned out. My dentist made me try them on first to make sure they would be perfect. The thing that’s really bothering me is that my bottom gums look uneven now. See, my bottom teeth were crooked before this was done and the veneers seemed to take care of that. But in doing so, my gums appear to be uneven. Will I have to suck it up and deal with it? It just sucks to have spent so much money and still not love my smile. I love the porcelain veneers, they’re beautiful. I just want to know if my gums can be corrected?
– Angelina in Georgia
It seems that you would know this, but were there any preparations done to your gums prior to the porcelain veneer application? It is referred to as a “gingivectomy” or “gingival surgery.” But since you didn’t mention this, it probably wasn’t done.
Regardless, your gums may be glaringly uneven now that your teeth are so straight. And the bad news is that nothing can be done at this point to correct the gum issue. Typically an excellent cosmetic dentist would have taken care of any gum line issues or concerns before the porcelain veneers are applied. It’s not say your dentist isn’t an expert, maybe that’s why he made sure you saw them and loved them before they were applied permanently.
It would be good to call in and have a follow-up consultation with your cosmetic dentist. Be upfront and open about your concerns. It’s not likely anything can be done at this point without compromising the look of your newly completed veneers. It’s sounding like your only option is to have them redone. Sorry for the bad news.
But you never know. Consult with your cosmetic dentist to see if there is any kind of reasonable solution. You shouldn’t have to be unhappy with your smile after all you have put into it. Good luck!
This post is sponsored by Barrington cosmetic dentist James T. Gavrilos, DDS.