I have a missing front tooth. When I was at my last exam, my dentist told me that a dental implant would be the best treatment to replace my missing tooth. I have been thinking about it for awhile and agree when I heard about the alternatives. When I asked him for a referral, he […]
How do I choose between two implant dentists?
I am considering replacing a missing front tooth with dental implants. When I was younger I never had a permanent tooth come in where it should have. I researched two experienced implant dentists in my area. I went in and had consultations with each of them, but was surprised when they had different approaches. They […]
What do I do about a broken dental implant?
I am so sick of dealing with my dental implant problems! My dentist convinced me that a dental implant was the best option to replace my missing tooth, which had been gone for over 10 years. He explained that there was bone loss near the site, so the first step was going to require bone […]
Would I ever be a dental implants candidate?
Dental implants weren’t an option 20 years ago. So, I ended up with a full set up dentures to replace my missing teeth. At first, they were okay. But, as the years have passed, I am unhappy with my smile. My face seems like it’s wrinkling up around the dentures and they look fake. Also, […]
Please tell me I don’t need to have my dental implants removed!
The tooth decay I had on on back molars was so bad that I had to get dental implants done last year. When I was in for a normal check-up, he said that there are some spacing issues and that likely was part of the problem. Then, he continued to tell me that it should […]
I had both dental implants and porcelain veneers recommended. Is this normal?
It’s time for me to get dental implants. I have gotten by with a dental flipper for over a decade now. I had it placed when I was in a severe accident in my teen years. I was told I’d need dental implants for my two front teeth eventually. Now, is the time. That said, […]
My implant dentist ruined my smile.
I found a relatively affordable implant dentist when I was looking to get a couple teeth replaced with dental implants because they were loose. All the reviews and testimonials checked out. The teeth I had replaced are the two front, bottom teeth. I was under the impression that my dental implants would look and function […]
Are dental implants the only option for broken front teeth?
I’ve been avoiding getting treatment because I am concerned that dental implants are the only option. I’m freaking out because I just don’t think I can go through with the whole procedure. Here’s the scoop. I fell during a softball game. My two front, bottom teeth broke off all the way down at the gums. […]
I don’t think I can afford dental implants. What do I do?
My teeth are bad. I am very cavity prone and always have been. So I have had a ton of dental work done, several fillings, a couple crowns, and a dental bridge. Well, one of the teeth that kept my dental bridge together broke off. The root was removed and part of the bridge was […]