I jumped on an online free teeth whitening deal. It was this whitening pen and all I had to do was pay for shipping to my house. It sounded legit and I figured if I liked it I would continue ordering it.
The instructions were straightforward and I followed them step by step. I’m feeling pretty bummed because I have seen no results. I called them out on Facebook and emailed them and I haven’t heard anything back. Was I just wishful thinking? Or do you know anything else I can do to increase the effectiveness.
-Shelly in North Carolina
Based on what you’ve mentioned, it is difficult to give any recommendations about what you could be doing better. Generally speaking, over-the-counter teeth whitening products will leave you feeling disappointed. They simply are not as strong or effective as professional teeth whitening that you’d get at your dentist’s office.
Also, you should proceed with caution when there are any free offers. It is difficult to tell if the product is safe. The last thing you want to do is cause permanent damage to your teeth.
As far as getting a response and your shipping money back, that is a long shot. You could contact your financial institution to see if payment can be stopped or blocked. But, you may have to face that you’re out the shipping cost. There is no way to say it is a scam or not. Hopefully, you’ll be a bit more cautious before jumping on the next deal before researching the product and company a bit more.
Best Teeth Whitening Options
- Start by looking for a cosmetic dentist in your area or a general dentist that is experienced with teeth whitening.
- Have an initial consultation before moving forward with whitening to make sure any immediate concerns are addressed.
- Ask your dentist about teeth whitening offers available. Many times new patient offers will include an incentive.
Everyone deserves to have a beautiful, healthy smile. Hopefully, you’ll look into some of these teeth whitening options that will deliver better results than your failed online attempt.
This post is sponsored by Barrington cosmetic dentist James T. Gavrilos, DDS