I first knew I had TMJ problems when I talked with my dentist about my terrible jaw pain. It never seemed to go away. We talked about trying some things, but I never moved forward with any of them. I have good days and bad days. When it’s bad, I can’t even eat. It’s far […]
Having Trouble Talking After Getting Porcelain Veneers
I had porcelain veneers done across my front teeth and crowns done on a couple of my back teeth about three months ago. The temporaries felt fine and I didn’t have any issue with them at all, but as soon as the permanent porcelain veneers went on, they felt really bulky. My tongue seems to […]
Have you heard of TMJ causing numbness in my fingers?
I suffer from bruxism. I grind at night and it has caused immense TMJ problems. I deal with constant pain, stiffness in my jaw, and tinnitus in my ears. I am familiar with all these symptoms and have undergone treatment to try to keep them under control. But the latest thing that has been happening […]
Sensitivity with new crown and starting to have pain.
I have never had a crown done until about a month ago. I didn’t realize how invasive the treatment was going to be. Anyway, ever since I had it placed, my teeth hurt every time I chew or bite down. The pain is only on that side. When I contacted the dentist, they basically told […]
Can I get TMJ disorder from a crown?
Is it crazy to think that I got TMJ from a crown? I never had any issues before I had the crown done a couple months ago. It seemed to me that the dentist had a hard time cementing the crown because the appointment took hours. When I left the appointment, the dentist said everything […]